
Showing posts with label INSPIRATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INSPIRATION. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Fisher: Francispoems

When the day wipes the dawn's frost
He dumbly and dutifully waits on
A duty he always calls
And the fisher must respond
But he's covered coldly
From the breath of the sea
That walks between his teeth
And shiver his spine to the feet
A fate he whishes to keep
But life's thongs he hate.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Butterfly: Francispoems

Butterfly butterfly fly
Flap and slap wings high
Unleash your stream of  colours
Weaving an embodied emblem
Gush out that beautiful charm
Spell the buds
Bloom the rose
Open her doors
Drought her nectars
With that seductive sip

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Footprint: FrancisOcran

This thought I'm drain
Something I'm mustn't slain
That fire in each home
Lights up folks darkness.
At each count
I discover undoubtedly 
That I foot many times
Into many chamber of hearts.
Leaving footprints of memories,
The other and pleasant
In all I do
Watch I'm must
My foot prints.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Price: francisthepoet.

Am now scorned
Desert womb
Barren for years
In-laws nagging
Turbulating my peace
Hope I loss not
I keep staring at the cross
There my focus dwells
Pressing for the price

Friday, August 3, 2018

Psalms of praise: francisthepoet

Oh! Barren land
Abandone in the deep surround
Rejected and deserted
Now my darkness enlightened by a ray
My life the blood pay
My  land is full of rain
Abundance of grain
My hand therefore I raise
To unleash my Psalms of praise.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Rise up: francisthepoet

Rise up and dream
Real dreamers don't sleep
They dream whiles awake
It's time to stop dreaming and awake
If you continue in slumber
Poverty will attack you like a slander
Make hay whiles the sun shine
Make bricks whiles there is hay
Indolence prison opulence
Always hard knocks
If you have clock
Let the clock tick
You can make it
Just rise and be counted

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

PERFECT WORLD OF LOVE : Francisthepoet

Perfect world of love
Only handful enjoy
Rest in the wrong world
Yes with the wrong person
Their problems are dozen
Their love and affection frozen
In hatred it thaws rotten
Their love tells a tragedy
 Simply because we all got reasons to love someone
Some crave for loaf
Some desire a companion
A true companion

Friday, January 26, 2018


The tide might fall.
The sun might set.
Beneath and underneath
But rise will outshine
Tide will rise
The sun will shine.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Quit No More by Francis Ocran

Rivers and streams are still flowing though dry up in the harmattan. Sun is still rising and setting though bad weather keeps the day dark.Tide still rises and falls  since the beginning without quitting.Lives are born each day though millions die daily.
Sun dries the earth daily but rain softens it daily.