
Showing posts with label WISDOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WISDOM. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

I have lived - Francis Ocran


Dried hard unbeaten soil,

Scrunchy, crump! The hole’s threnody,

Plunges the palms blain.

Grains of sweat wet the soil,

Mackling destiny windy snaky,

Where life begs the crimpy gain.

But I’ve lived, I breathed the soil,

And tasted toil’s penny

Where lives grow and failures grain.


Monday, February 10, 2020

Dilemma: Francis Ocran

To shine, to rain , to none
To  left or the right
Is the lofty mountain
Projecting heights beyond
And the sinking valley
Gets deeper under the feet
To keep the steps array
Or journey this path astray.
The lagging isn't the legs
But a dilema of a pendulum
Uncertainty creeps the heart
Wandering here and there
To take left or  the right
Is a dilemma drumming
In the souls of all
But the answers chim
Squeaking faintly in dilema

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dead Fishes Which Don't Swim: Francis Ocran

This thought that spins my head
I cannot lie to sleep
Before the cook I laid bear
My fleet of grievances
Wondering why she serves me soup
Of dead fishes which don't swim
Aren't my toil hard enough
To feed me living fishes?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Woman Who Lives Behind: Francispoems

The neighbour behind my affinity
A faceless black ebony
First order melancholy
And much pretty jolly
In her mid - anniversary.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Fisher: Francispoems

When the day wipes the dawn's frost
He dumbly and dutifully waits on
A duty he always calls
And the fisher must respond
But he's covered coldly
From the breath of the sea
That walks between his teeth
And shiver his spine to the feet
A fate he whishes to keep
But life's thongs he hate.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

STUCK : francisocran

Each day as I slumber

I dream you led me

Along a dusty footpath

Leading to somewhere nowhere

Where only the instincts can see

And as I get awoken by time

The mind becomes unrest in pieces

Wallowing in many parts

Crouching at many doors
Standing in my fate

As tall as black trolls

But each leads nowhere

Just stuck sculpture stump.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Desperate: francisthepoet

Men are always unsatisfied
Craving for everything 
Through every means
And through every ways
When we aren't getting what we want.
We become uncormfortable
We become desperate in everything
Desperate for wealth
Desperate for child
Desperate for marriage
Desperate for power and position
Desperate in our education
Desperate  to win
Desperate for our selfish interests
Desperate for things that will not last
Desperate! Desperate in everything.
We crave them at all cost
Not counting the end 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

TO BE : Francisthepoet

To be or not to be.
The truth lies on the to-be.
You choose what you want to be.
What you don't want to be.
And what others want you to be.
Husband or wife to-be
Master or slave to-be
Wise or foolish to-be
Rich or poor to-be
Strong or weak to-be
Brave or coward to-be
Straight or crook to-be.
All what you want to be.
Or others want you to be.
You choose to be.
You are thinking of what you want to be?
What is meant to be is meant to be.
And what is not meant to be is not meant to be.
I don't think that's what you want to be.
Sometimes what is meant to be is not meant to be
And what is not meant to be is meant to be.
You choose to be or not to be.
Are you confused or trying to be?
That's what I wants you to be.
You choose  to be.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

FATHERS: Francisthepoet

Anatomy of knowledge
An epitomy of wisdom
You are every family freedom
Keeper and breadwinner
Provider of shelter
Your paws hold us further
Your absence breeds shatter
Up and down children Helter
High and low skelter
Worrying mother;sadder
But your presence rain peace.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Lonely on my island always
There I dine and ripe always
Alone always
Lonely always
My thoughts separated away
Far from among men
Prisoned in my island pen
Grasping  for help in my den
I can't seek help then
Lonely and separated like sick hen
I can't cure with Yen
Wanted to get close when?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I AM BUT NEVER BE poem by Francis Ocran

Always I am but have never be. 
Beginning I was created to exist.
I am million years ago
The truth is I have never be
My existence has always been today
Many wish to perform a task in me