
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

STUCK : francisocran

Each day as I slumber

I dream you led me

Along a dusty footpath

Leading to somewhere nowhere

Where only the instincts can see

And as I get awoken by time

The mind becomes unrest in pieces

Wallowing in many parts

Crouching at many doors
Standing in my fate

As tall as black trolls

But each leads nowhere

Just stuck sculpture stump.

Each day as I live

This task I only do

Gathering as much hay

Without feeling gay

But the struggle brings no pay

I cud the little dime

That my toil has mined

And at rest time

 Same dime cares for a balm

Which soothe the aching muscle.

Each day I hear cries

Of men and women in pain

Wailing and searching ways

To prepare many tables

And fill many stomachs and dreams

But as they begin to search

The more wanderers they become

And as time journeys along

Each gray vanishes somewhere nowhere

Dwelling in a static stuck

Where each day I slumber

And led along dusty footpath

Which leads somewhere nowhere?

Where only instinct knows

That we are stuck sculpture stump.


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